2021년 12월 14일 오후, Sao Thai Duong 주식회사와 시장개발과학기술기업부(NATEC)가 스타트업 및 혁신 생태계 개발을 위한 협력 협약을 체결했습니다
Sao Thai Duong은 베트남 국민이 신뢰하는 제품을 생산하는 상위 브랜드 중 하나입니다. / Sao Thai Duong 부사장: “많은 사람들에게 기쁨과 행복을 가져다주지 않으면 기업은 백년 동안 존재할 수 없습니다.”
12월 14일, 제7회 국가혁신창업페스티벌 TECHFEST VIETNAM 2021 시리즈 행사의 틀 내에서 “The Imprint of TECHFEST and WHISE 2021” 프로그램이 하노이에서 열렸으며, 다낭 등 지역의 브릿지 포인트와 온라인을 연결해, 호치민시 및 국제 지역.
이는 과학기술부가 호치민시 인민위원회, 외교부, 베트남 상공회의소와 협력하여 2021년 9월부터 2021년 12월까지 개최하는 일련의 활동 중 핵심 행사입니다. Vingroup의 전략적 동반자와 함께하는 무역 및 산업(VCCI).
이 행사에는 Pham Minh Chinh 총리와 중앙 및 지방 부서, 부처 및 지부의 지도자들이 참석했습니다. 국내외 유수의 기관, 기업, 개인, 네트워크를 통해 국내외 스타트업과 혁신을 지원합니다. 하노이에서 TECHFEST 2021은 또한 호치민시 혁신 및 기업가 정신 주간 2021(WHISE 2021) 및 다낭 스타트업 전시회 – SURF 2021과 온라인으로 연결되어 전국적인 축제를 형성하여 국가 혁신 스타트업 생태계를 구축하려는 단결된 정신을 보여줍니다.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the event
Within the framework of the Program “Mark of TECHFEST and WHISE 2021”, a cooperation agreement signing ceremony took place between Sao Thai Duong Joint Stock Company and the Department of Market Development and Science and Technology Enterprises (NATEC) to develop the national startup and innovation ecosystem.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong Lien, Deputy General Director of Sao Thai Duong Joint Stock Company (seated in the middle) and representatives of businesses signed a cooperation agreement with the Department of Market Development and Science and Technology Enterprises.
According to the cooperation agreement, the two sides commit to implementing cooperative tasks and projects, providing common services towards the goal of developing a national startup and innovation ecosystem; coordinating to attract domestic and foreign resources to build a national innovation startup ecosystem, and implementing the Project “Supporting the national innovative startup ecosystem until 2025” (Project 844).
Commitments towards the development of training activities, incubation, and start-up support services. In other words, creating and connecting locally and internationally in relation to the fields of natural drugs, pharmaceutical and medical products and technology.
In the spirit of voluntary cooperation according to the cooperation goals identified in the framework of the law, the two parties agree on the specific cooperation contents as follows:
Firstly, coordinate in building tasks, cooperation projects, and providing common services to develop the national startup and innovation ecosystem such as training, coaching, consulting projects, media support, start-up television, connect to promote investment, support start-ups, domestic and international innovation, and other activities.
The development and implementation of each task and project will have its cooperation agreement or additional agreement based on unanimous discussion between representatives of the parties, including the agreement on the content of activities, participating partners, coordination mechanism, the financial mechanism of tasks, cooperative projects…
Second, conduct research and develop joint projects based on available resources of the parties in combination with socialization resources by the law to form service complexes to support innovative start-ups, application of scientific and technological advances.
Third, jointly develop digitized products, support technology transfer, and commercialize related products and technology for natural drugs, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.
Fourth, coordinate and organize national and international events such as conferences, seminars, investment connection forums, and market connections. Regional, specialized, national, and international Innovative Startup Festival (TECHFEST).
Through the above cooperation agreement, Sao Thai Duong Joint Stock Company and the Department of Market Development and Science and Technology Enterprises will have the opportunity to cooperate and participate in the ecosystem of large corporations and enterprises, as well as receive support and advice on product commercialization experience, available customers, and investment funds.